One procedure that doesn't get much media attention, but has been around for a long time, is half the cost of veneers, and is minimally invasive is called Dental Bonding.
It gets even better, Dental Bonding can also often be completed in just ONE appointment!!
That's right, he same technology of white filling material in teeth can be "bonded" to your front teeth to improve appearance.
By comparison, Veneers are made by a dental laboratory and then those porcelain shells for your teeth adhere to your teeth.
Notice the gap, and overlapping teeth on the left. Stunning!
This person couldn't stop smiling after this was done.
This young girl almost never smiled before to hide her small teeth.
This young female sucked on lemons starting at a young age and she already exhibited a level of teeth wear we rarely see in anyone under 55. Bonding has given her a second chance.
If you would like to smile bigger and more confidently, it's possible bonding could be right for you!
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